OxHS Board Nominations

Hello Everyone,

It’s that time of year again when the current Oxford Historical Society Board reaches out to its members to see who might be interested in serving on the 2022 Executive.

Our current Board members are:

President: Kathie Richards
Past President: Jim Groulx
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer/Research: Dr. Elaine Becker
Secretary: Laura Centore
Communications and Newsletter: Laura Centore
Membership: Judy Klages
Archives/Architecture: Eleanor Gardhouse
Board Members at Large: Jim Groulx, Don Wilson
Museum Liaison: Karen Houston

If any member would like to serve on the upcoming Board please email us at info@oxhs.ca.

Board members are voted in at our AGM on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. You must be a member of the Society to serve on the Board. The positions are held for one year.

New Book about Cassie Chadwick

Hello Everyone,

Thomas Crowl’s new book ‘Queen of the Con’ tells the story of Cassie Chadwick, a successful swindler and con woman. In this very well researched book the life of Cassie Chadwick, born Elizabeth Bigley in 1857, tells the story of her life from her humble beginnings to becoming a clairvoyant, a fraudster, an imposter posing as Andrew Carnegie’s illegitimate daughter and many other cons along the way.

This book is available for purchase from Amazon.ca using this link – Queen of the Con: From a Spiritualist to the Carnegie Imposter

Oxford Historical Society & Woodstock Museum Holiday Social December 9, 2021

Hello Everyone,

Please join the Oxford Historical Society and the Woodstock Museum, NHS for a Holiday Social on Thursday, December 9 from 1-4pm.

If you wish to attend the 15 minute talk on the new Heritage database, either at 1:30pm or 3pm, please reserve your spot as space is limited: https://volunteersignup.org/YYWDK

We hope to see you at the Social!

The Village that Straddled a Swamp

Hello Everyone,

The Oxford Historical Society and the Woodstock Museum, NHS are pleased to once again offer this publication for your reading pleasure.

This wonderful book tells the story of Woodstock Ontario, from 1799 until more modern times.

The Village that Straddled a Swamp will be available for purchase at our booth at the upcoming Arts Market in the old Dairy Capital building. It is $25.00 (taxes included), cash only.

This publication can also be purchased by contacting the Society at info@oxhs.ca or at the Woodstock Museum, NHS gift shop.

Christmas in the Square Arts Market

Hello Everyone,

The Oxford Historical Society will have a booth at this year’s Arts Market where we will be selling some publications by our local authors and other items from the Woodstock Museum, NHS. We will only be accepting cash at our booth.

The dates for the Arts Market are:

Friday, November 26 from 5-8pm
Saturday, November 27 from 10am-4pm
Friday, December 3 from 5-8pm
Saturday, December 4 from 10am-4pm
Saturday, December 11 from 10am-4pm
Saturday, December 18 from 10am-4pm

There are also many other events happening downtown Woodstock for the holiday season. The complete list of events can be found on the Christmas in the Square web page.

We are looking for volunteers to help out at the booth. Each shift is three hours.

The following are the shifts that we need filled:

Friday, November 26 from 5-8pm
Saturday, November 27 from 1-4pm
Friday, December 3 from 5-8pm
Saturday, December 4 from 1-4pm
Saturday, December 11 from 1-4pm
Saturday, December 18 from 10am-1pm
Saturday, December 18 from 1-4pm

If you are interested in volunteering at our booth please send us an email: info@oxhs.ca, thank you.