Please join the Oxford Historical Society on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, at 6:30pm, for a Zoom presentation by Thomas Crowl. Thomas will discuss his latest work: Queen of the Con: From Spiritualist to Carnegie Imposter!
Thomas delves into the many schemes undertaken by Cassie Chadwick. He explores her life from her humble beginnings as Elizabeth Bigley, born in Oxford County, to her becoming a clairvoyant, a fraudster, an imposter posing as Andrew Carnegie’s illegitimate daughter and many other cons along the way.
Gordon Stanley Boswell stacking wheat. Photo courtesy of Brenda Boswell
Please join us tonight on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 for our Annual General Meeting, via Zoom at 6:30pm. Here is the Zoom information:
At this meeting all paying members will have a chance to vote for this year’s Executive. If you would like to serve on this year’s board or if you are not able to attend tonight’s meeting and you wish to place your vote, the Society can be reached by email at:
The following lists the current board members:
President:Kathie Richards Past President:Jim Groulx Vice President:Vacant Treasurer/Research:Dr. Elaine Becker Secretary:Laura Centore Communications and Newsletter:Laura Centore Membership:Judy Klages Archives/Architecture:Eleanor Gardhouse Board Members at Large:Jim Groulx,Don Wilson Museum Liaison: Karen Houston
Our speaker for tonight will be Brenda Boswell, presenting Harvest Excursions: Featuring the Story of Gordon Stanley Boswell
This excerpt is from Brenda’s presentation:
‘Between the 1890’s and 1930 thousands of men participated in the fall wheat harvest in Western Canada. Organized by the CPR and local government, call outs were made annually to Eastern Canada, the northern United States and Britain. Tens of thousands of men would converge in Winnipeg over a 2 week period answering the call.
The stories of the Harvest Excursions stories vary between a crusade, an adventure, a binge, hard work, good money, hooliganism and violence. The excursions were a noisy, colourful and important part of Canada’s history, but little was recorded at the time. Gordon Stanley Boswell joined the excursion in 1923 with other members of his Woodstock baseball team Snowy’s Snowbirds. His daughter Brenda Boswell recorded his story for a Canadian history project in 1972 and is proud to share it with the Historical Society.’
2022 Membership fees are due. If you have not already paid please do so. Membership fees are $25.00 for an individual and $30.00 for a family membership.
Fees can be paid by cheque to the Oxford Historical Society, or by e-Transfer to
If paying by e-Transfer please send you membership form in a separate email.
Otterville ON – Winter Street Scene From the J. Gruszka postcard collection, property of the OxHS
Happy New Year and welcome to 2022!
We are working on lining up speakers for this year, either via Zoom or in person. If you or anyone you know would be interested in presenting at a meeting please send an email to
It’s that time of year again when the annual membership fees are due.
Membership fees are $25.00 for an individual and $30.00 for a family membership.
Fees can be paid by cheque to the Oxford Historical Society, or by e-Transfer to If paying by e-Transfer please send you membership form in a separate email.
Oxford Historical Society PO Box 20091 Woodstock ON N4S 8X8
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 6:30pm via Zoom. During the meeting all paying members may vote for this year’s executive board.
The following lists the current board members:
President:Kathie Richards Past President:Jim Groulx Vice President:Vacant Treasurer/Research:Dr. Elaine Becker Secretary:Laura Centore Communications and Newsletter:Laura Centore Membership:Judy Klages Archives/Architecture:Eleanor Gardhouse Board Members at Large:Jim Groulx,Don Wilson Museum Liaison: Karen Houston
We encourage all members to consider serving on our executive. If you would like to serve on the board email the OxHS at We are accepting nominations until Saturday, February 12, 2022.
The speaker will be Brenda Boswell, her topic will be Harvest Excursion. Harvest Excursion looks is about the men who went out west in the fall to assist with their harvest season. More information about our AGM and Brenda’s presentation will be posted at a later date.
Please join the Oxford Historical Society at our next Zoom meeting as Elaine Becker discusses the research and stories that went into So They Came: Young Men Farmers.
Excerpt from the book: “Destination Woodstock – The stories of young men who left home and family to make a new way of life in Canada is both thrilling and encouraging. They were not outstanding in any other way than that they had a hope for the future. They came from families facing untold challenges of unemployment, illness and death, as well as the lack of hope for the future”
Learn about the role that the Salvation Army played in bringing the immigrants to Canada, what was involved in researching Burnside Lodge, tracing family members, creating the list of immigrants and many other aspects of the book.