OxHS Upcoming Presentation – Wednesday, March 26, 2025!

Dear Members,

Please welcome Helen Dowd, Secretary of the Zorra Caledonian Society and the Embro Highland Games for her presentation on:

A History of the Zorra Caledonian Society – Host of Ontario’s Oldest Highland Games!

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Time:  6:30 p.m.
Location: Woodstock Museum National Historic Site 

If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

Deadly Swindle: An 1890 Murder in Backwoods Ontario that Gripped the World!

Hello Everyone,

Please see this guest post from the Woodstock Public Library:

Woodstock Public Library is excited to be hosting the following Local History author book talk event on Thursday, January 9, 2025 from 6:30pm until 8:00pm.  It is a registered program event. Join author Ian Radforth, writer of the recent non-fiction boo; “Deadly Swindle: An 1890 Murder in Backwoods Ontario that Gripped the World” for a fascinating discussion about one of Canada’s most sensational murder cases and how the regional and international press ran with it.

This is an RSVP event, please use this link to register: https://woodstock.bibliocommons.com/events/672a71e98fc0a328000b3110

For information about this event, contact the Woodstock Public Library at 519-539-4801.

If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

OxHS Presents on Wednesday, November 27, 2024:

The Medals of the Woodstock Coin Club: A Numismatic History of Oxford County!

Many years ago, the slogan for Coin Week Canada was “History in your Hands.” Since its founding in 1957, and particularly since first creating club medals in 1965, the Woodstock Coin Club has been celebrating the history of Woodstock and Oxford County through numismatics.

Buildings, events, and individuals prominent in Oxford history have been, and continue to be, featured in the Club’s medallic issues. This presentation will illustrate the medals and the Club’s commitment to both city and county. Some of the historic coins will be available for sale. Presented by Angus Sutherland, vice-president and chair of the medal committee.

This presentation will take place at the Woodstock Museum, NHS. Doors open at 6:30, meeting starts at 6:45pm. This is a free event and open to all.

If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

OxHS Meeting Tonight – Wednesday, May 29, 2024!

Downtown Woodstock, Postcard from the Don Wilson Postcard Collection

Hello Everyone,

please join the Oxford Historical Society for our upcoming presentation:

Woodstock As It Was!

Join us as we step back in time and explore the many changes to this City over the decades. We will visit the Downtown, once a thriving main street, with shops like Lamons Bakery, shown above.  Museum Square about to undergo another transformation, the Hotel Oxford, the Capital Theater, Patullo Fountain, Southside Park and much more.  The City of Woodstock is embarking on an ambitious streetscape plan for the Downtown in 2024 – help us find ideas to promote Woodstock’s future by building on our knowledge of the past through this amazing collection of photographs and postcards.    

Presented by Eleanor Gardhouse, Director – Oxford Historical Society

Feel free to print and share this poster: Woodstock As It Was!

This presentation will take place at the Woodstock Museum, NHS. The meeting will start at 6:30pm. This is a free public meeting, all are welcome to attend.

If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

OxHS Meeting- Wednesday, May 29, 2024!

Downtown Woodstock, Postcard from the Don Wilson Postcard Collection

Hello Everyone,

please join the Oxford Historical Society for our upcoming presentation:

Woodstock As It Was!

Join us as we step back in time and explore the many changes to this City over the decades. We will visit the Downtown, once a thriving main street, with shops like Lamons Bakery, shown above.  Museum Square about to undergo another transformation, the Hotel Oxford, the Capital Theater, Patullo Fountain, Southside Park and much more.  The City of Woodstock is embarking on an ambitious streetscape plan for the Downtown in 2024 – help us find ideas to promote Woodstock’s future by building on our knowledge of the past through this amazing collection of photographs and postcards.    

Presented by Eleanor Gardhouse, Director – Oxford Historical Society

Feel free to print and share this poster: Woodstock As It Was!

This presentation will take place at the Woodstock Museum, NHS. The meeting will start at 6:30pm. This is a free public meeting, all are welcome to attend.

If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca