Harrington Grist Mill Tours on Saturday, August 19, 2023!

Hello Everyone,

Please see this guest post from the Harrington Grist Mill:

Please join us this Saturday, August 19th from 10am – 3pm for a tour of the Grist Mill. Admission is free, donations gratefully accepted!

We will have refreshments, a scavenger hunt around the Mill Pond, the Coyote Nature School, locally grown flowers from The Garden in Harrington and eco-friendly bags from Harrington’s Bag Lady!

The Grist Mill is located at 963565 Road 96, Harrington, Township of Zorra.

For more information about this event email Tim at timbetevdk@gmail.com or call him at 519-801-5810.

Oxford Historical Society’s 125th Anniversary Celebration!

Andrew Pattullo, Founder of the Oxford Historical Society
Photo courtesy of the Woodstock Museum, NHS

The Oxford Historical Society is hosting a special dinner to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of our founding in 1897 by Andrew Pattullo!

Saturday, September 23rd, 2023
Salvation Army Family Church
769 Juliana Dr. Woodstock ON N4V 1E9

5:30 Reception; 6:00 Dinner; Program to follow

Tickets: $30 per person with choice of beef or chicken dinner 

Tickets must be purchased in advance and will go on sale on Monday, August 21, 2023. They can be purchased online by e-transfer to purchases@oxhs.ca, or by PayPal, or by cash at the Woodstock Museum NHS. To purchase online complete this form: OxHS 125th Anniversary Dinner!

Last Day to Purchase Tickets: Saturday, September 16, 2023

For more information please email us at info@oxhs.ca or leave a message at (226) 242-4774.  

Feel free to post/share this 125th Anniversary Poster!

For more information about events, click on this link to OxHS Events!

PDHS Exhibit at the Chesterfield Museum!

Hello Everyone,

Please see this guest post from the Plattsville & District Heritage Society:

A Look Back at Clubs, Teams & Organizations!

Join us on Saturdays from 10 am to 4 pm until September 16, 2023 (or by appointment, we welcome groups small or large for weekday or evening) for an exciting event that takes a trip down memory lane! We’ll be reminiscing about the clubs, teams, and organizations that have made an impact on our community over the years.

Located at the Chesterfield Museum, 816661 Oxford Road 22, Bright, this in-person event is a chance to connect with old friends and make new ones while celebrating the history of our community. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn about the groups that have shaped our town and the people behind them.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about the clubs, teams, and organizations that brought us together over the years!

For more information or to schedule a visit call/text Denise at 519-535-1417, or message them on FaceBook.

New Publication: Bodwells of Elgin Hall

Hello Everyone

The information for George Emery’s newest publication is provided by Debbie Kasman, co-author of:



Is now available for pre-order – CA$50.00

This 8 1/2 “ x 11” 260 page authoritative, evidence-based study memorializes Elgin Hall, a stately home and landmark in Mount Elgin hamlet, Dereham Township, Oxford County, the Honourable Garth Turner’s ancestral home, from its construction in 1849 to its demolition in 2023. This book also explores the history of descendants of James Bodwell, Sr. (1764-1853), the family’s pioneer settler in Dereham Township, and his roots in 17th Wales, through New England, Stanstead, Nissouri, and eventually Dereham Township.

The book evolved from our “Save Elgin Hall from Demolition” Project. Debbie L. Kasman was the project’s leader; the Hon. Garth Turner, its patron; George Emery, its Historian; and Cody Groat, its expert on heritage designation.

We offer this book as a tribute to Garth Turner PC, Patron of the Elgin Hall Project, and to anyone with a love of history.

The book makes an excellent coffee table book, with its detailed studies, its rich stories, and its 125 images, 62 of which are colour.

To pre-order a copy click on this link: Bodwells of Elgin Hall

Embro Highland Games 2023!

Hello Everyone,

Please see this guest post from Embro Highland Games:

The Countdown is On!

We are officially 9 days away from the 2023 Embro Highland Games & excitement is stirring as we look forward to welcoming over 3,700 visitors!

July 1st will be a day of fierce rivalry as hammers are thrown, cabers are tossed, the skirl of the bagpipes fill the air as the flash of clan tartan surrounds us!

We are thrilled this year to once again include Tug-of-War in our event line up with teams coming from far afield as British Columbia & Wisconsin!

Musical headliner this year is the ever popular Celtic rock group The Mudmen.

Please feel free to share the Embro Highland Games poster with your members & readership!

Check out our new website at www.embrohighlandgames.ca