GL Mackay Symposium! June 23 & 24, 2022

Hello Everyone,

Please see the guest post from Janice Ferguson.

The Beachville District Museum was one of 8 out of 19 presenters that was chosen to present at this symposium from York University being held on Thursday, June 23 and Friday, June 24, 2022.

Dr. Stephanie Radu, and her assistant David, will be presenting about Mackay and Oxford County. Edward Chung, our representative for Oxford County, from the Toronto Taiwanese community will also be presenting.

It is free, but PRE-REGISTRATION is necessary to attend the Zoom programs.

The above image contains more information about this event.
To register for the event:

Ingersoll 50+ Activity Centre – Heritage Presentation Series

George Leslie Mackay – Courthouse Square, Woodstock ON

Hello Everyone,

This guest post is from the Ingersoll 50+ Activity Centre – Heritage Presentation Series

The Embro Man Who Changed a Nation

Taiwan’s first education and health care networks were established by George Leslie Mackay, a Presbyterian missionary born near Embro Ontario. He came to Taiwan 150 years ago and is still revered by the Taiwanese more than a century after his death. For many, he is a present-day icon of Taiwanese nationalism. This powerful legacy will be explored in this presentation.

SPEAKER – Rev. Michael Stainton, Research Associate, York University Centre for Asian Studies and President to the Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada.

Presentation Date: Tuesday May 17th at 2:00 p.m.

This is an in-person event being held at the Ingersoll 50+ Activity Centre.

Please register by calling 519-485-2269 by Monday, May 16th.

No charge, no Centre membership necessary.