OxHS 2025 AGM Update!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025: AGM & Presentation

Please join us for the Society’s AGM, which will be held at the Woodstock Museum, NHS, doors open at 6:30pm, meeting will start at 6:45pm.

At this meeting the 2025 Executive will be voted in, all paying members will have a chance to vote. 

The nominees for each positions are:

ChairScott Gillies
Vice Chair – Eleanor Gardhouse
Treasurer – Brian Garner
Secretary – Brenda Boswell
Membership – Catherine Spears
Director – Don Wilson

Membership fees are due at the AGM. 
Annual memberships run from January to December. 
Memberships are $10.00
Membership can be paid by cash or cheque to the Oxford Historical Society, or by eTransfer or PayPal to purchases@oxhs.ca
To become a member complete this form: 2025 Membership Form 
Email the completed form to info@oxhs.ca
Or, mail the completed form to:
Oxford Historical Society
PO Box 20091
Woodstock ON N4S 8X8

Elaine Becker presenting To Be Continued: The Story of the Salvation Army in Woodstock
From Elaine: “In January 1884 the Salvation Army came to Woodstock Ontario led by a group of Salvationists from Ingersoll Ontario. The organization had only begun in London England in 1865 under the Leadership of William and Catherine Booth. Who are these people and how did this organization spread so quickly as an international movement?

Learn the origins and the motivation of this organization that still keep it moving forward today. In how many countries does it operate?  Perhaps the more important question for the local residents will be the progress of the Army here in Woodstock. You will be introduced to some of the colourful characters. Bring any questions you may have about this group of people and Elaine will endeavour  to answer them.”

Copies of To Be Continued: The Story of the Salvation Army in Woodstock will be available for sale for $15.00 each, taxes included.

If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

Tonight: Zoom Meeting – Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Please join the Oxford Historical Society at our next Zoom meeting as Elaine Becker discusses the research and stories that went into So They Came: Young Men Farmers.

Excerpt from the book: “Destination Woodstock – The stories of young men who left home and family to make a new way of life in Canada is both thrilling and encouraging. They were not outstanding in any other way than that they had a hope for the future. They came from families facing untold challenges of unemployment, illness and death, as well as the lack of hope for the future”

Learn about the role that the Salvation Army played in bringing the immigrants to Canada, what was involved in researching Burnside Lodge, tracing family members, creating the list of immigrants and many other aspects of the book.

Zoom Meeting Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Please join the Oxford Historical Society at our next Zoom meeting as Elaine Becker discusses the research and stories that went into So They Came: Young Men Farmers.

Excerpt from the book: “Destination Woodstock – The stories of young men who left home and family to make a new way of life in Canada is both thrilling and encouraging. They were not outstanding in any other way than that they had a hope for the future. They came from families facing untold challenges of unemployment, illness and death, as well as the lack of hope for the future”

Learn about the role that the Salvation Army played in bringing the immigrants to Canada, what was involved in researching Burnside Lodge, tracing family members, creating the list of immigrants and many other aspects of the book.

“So They Came – the young men farmers”

Hello Everyone,

Dr. Elaine Becker’s newest local history book on the story of Burnside Lodge is coming together.

Here is an excerpt from the book:

The young men responded to advertisements or word of mouth information with application to the Salvation Army.  If they had the proper backing and references, they were sent for training at Hadleigh Farm Colony. The young men were trained and tested and then sent to Canada or Australia for employment with local farmers.  In Canada they went to many centres but Smith Falls or Woodstock Ontario were primary centres with officers assigned for follow-up.

The boys were warmly greeted and were transported to the lodge or marched from the train station as the occasion allowed.  They were fed and, on many occasions, spent the first night there before proceeding to their appointed local farms.

Before proceeding to the farm, The Salvation Army made financial agreement between all parties for the Army to protect the wages of the young men.  The wages minus any funds advanced to the young man were kept in trust by the Army and records were kept to ensure fair wages were received. 

Elaine is now at the stage where she is looking for volunteer(s) to help design the cover.

If you are interested in designing the book cover for “So They Came – the young men farmers”, please email Elaine at ebecker2@sympatico.ca.

Burnside Lodge Sentinel Review Article

Stamp issued by Canada Post in October 2010

Hello Everyone,

The Woodstock Sentinel Review published an article on Thursday, December 3, 2020 about Dr. Elaine Becker’s upcoming book on Burnside Lodge and the Salvation Army’s program of bringing boys to Canada to work on area farms.

Here is the link to the Sentinel’s article: https://www.woodstocksentinelreview.com/news/local-news/area-historian-looks-for-connections-with-burnside-lodge/

If you have any information or a connection to Burnside Lodge please contact Dr. Becker at ebecker2@sympatico.ca, thank you.