
All Oxford Historical Society will be at held at the Woodstock Museum, NHS, unless otherwise stated.
Doors open at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 6:45pm

Meetings are free and are open to the public, Society membership not required.

2025 Events

Saturday, April 5, 2025:

Hello Everyone,

The Oxford Historical Society and the Woodstock Public Library invite you to attend the book launch of:

“Tip O’Neill and the St. Louis Browns of 1887” with Author Dennis Thiessen
on Saturday, April 5, 2025 from 1:00 – 2:30pm at the Woodstock Public Library

From Dennis Thiessen:

James “Tip” O’Neill was a Canadian-born baseball player who, in the 1880s, was the leading slugger for the St. Louis Browns, the champions of the American Association for four years in a row (1885–88) and the world champions in 1886. In 1887, Tip O’Neill won the Association batting championship with a .492 average—the highest ever for a single season in the Major Leagues. 

O’Neill was part of the first class inducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame in 1983.   In honour of Tip’s extraordinary career, the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame presents the James “Tip” O’Neill Award “annually to the Canadian player judged to have excelled in individual achievement and team contribution while adhering to baseball ideals.” O’Neill was also inducted into Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame in 1994.

The book concentrates on Tip O’Neill’s record-breaking season of 1887. It recounts his numerous multi-hit games, streaks and long hits, as well as his two cycles and triple crown. In addition, the book situates O’Neill’s story within the wider portrayal of the St. Louis Browns, a team led by their manager, Charles Comiskey, who would do “anything to win.” It also provides a biographical snapshot of O’Neill’s life and career in his early days in Woodstock, Ontario (1867–1882) and during his years in Montreal after he retired from major league baseball (1893–1915). In short, the book is a saga of a Canadian baseball star whose legacy is much deserved but not yet fully appreciated.

Registration is required – to register contact the Woodstock Public Library

Wednesday, March 26, 2025:

Tuesday, February 25, 2025:

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Dear Members, The OxHS is pleased to present A Black History Month Event “With Special Guest dKT”

Join us for an inspiring evening of spoken word and conversation as Duane Kumala-Thomas (dKT) explores the rich history and reliance of Canadians.

Featuring inspired performances of:

This Town of Ours: Ingersoll’s Ties to the Underground Railroad
Oppression to Operation: Anderson Ruffin Abbott’s Glass Ceiling
Anderson and Her Son: A Path to Hear Here

Through poetry and dialogue, dKT will uncover histories, celebrate Black excellence, and spark meaningful discussions!

Date: Tuesday February 25th, 2025
Time:  6:30 p.m.
Location: Woodstock Museum National Historic Site 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025: AGM & Presentation

Please join us for the Society’s AGM, which will be held at the Woodstock Museum, NHS, doors open at 6:30pm, meeting will start at 6:45pm.

At this meeting the 2025 Executive will be voted in, all paying members will have a chance to vote. 

The following positions available for the 2025 Executive:

Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership, Director (1 position available)

If you wish to become a member of the Executive, submit your name and the position you desire by Sunday, January 12, 2025, to

Membership fees are due at the AGM. 
Annual memberships run from January to December. 
Memberships are $10.00
Membership can be paid by cash or cheque to the Oxford Historical Society, or by eTransfer to
To become a member complete this form: 2025 Membership Form 
Email the completed form to 
Mail the completed form to:
Oxford Historical Society
PO Box 20091
Woodstock ON N4S 8X8

Elaine Becker presenting To Be Continued: The Story of the Salvation Army in Woodstock
From Elaine: “In January 1884 the Salvation Army came to Woodstock Ontario led by a group of Salvationists from Ingersoll Ontario. The organization had only begun in London England in 1865 under the Leadership of William and Catherine Booth. Who are these people and how did this organization spread so quickly as an international movement?

Learn the origins and the motivation of this organization that still keep it moving forward today. In how many countries does it operate?  Perhaps the more important question for the local residents will be the progress of the Army here in Woodstock. You will be introduced to some of the colourful characters. Bring any questions you may have about this group of people and Elaine will endeavour  to answer them.”

Copies of To Be Continued: The Story of the Salvation Army in Woodstock will be available for sale for $15.00 each, taxes included.

If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at