Due to Covid-19 restrictions the Oxford Historical Society is currently holding all meetings via Zoom.
For all Zoom meetings use this ID#: 81906248857, no password is required.
The Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81906248857
The Zoom link will open approximately 10 minutes before the start time of a meeting.
2021 Events:
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 3:00pm: AGM via Zoom
The OxHS is hosting their AGM via Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions. At this meeting we will confirm the current board appointments, reports from the Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership. The topic for discussion will be the future of the OxHS at the Resource Centre. This meeting is open to all paid members.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 6:30pm: Get Well Soon
Please join us for an exciting talk given by Kathie Richards. Kathie will discuss the book “Get Well Soon: History’s Worst Plagues and the Heroes Who Fought Them” written by Jennifer Wright. In her book, Jennifer Wright looks at some of the worst diseases and plagues throughout history and the selfless heroic individuals who fought them.
Keep checking our website as more information about upcoming events will be posted.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 6:30pm: Oxford County Archives
Join Oxford County Archivist Liz Dommasch and Archives Technician Megan Lockhart for an evening with the Archives. Liz and Megan will be discussing the variety of programs and services the Archives offers to their patrons and community members.
The Oxford County Archives is the official repository for archival records created by, for and about Oxford County including municipal and community records from community organizations, businesses, personal archival collections, schools, churches, and more. The Archives offers a variety of research services and has a reference library available for patrons who are looking for family history information or information on the general history of Oxford County. Staff at the Archives also provide basic conservation services and have developed a variety of educational and public programs which allows members of the Oxford County community to learn about local heritage and culture, and engage with archival collections.
The Oxford County Archives’ website contains a number of online exhibits about local history, educational resources for teachers, students, and families, as well as fun interactive activity pages and online puzzles: www.oxfordcounty.ca/archives. Learn more about what the Archives is and what they do with guest speakers Liz and Megan.
Join the Oxford Historical Society and the Oxford County Archives for a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 6:30pm.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 6:30pm: Women and The Bicycle Craze – Change and Resistance in 1890’s Oxford County
Please join the Oxford Historical Society in welcoming Brenda Boswell for her presentation: Women and the Bicycle Craze – Change and Resistance in 1890’s Oxford County.
Bicycles took much of the world by storm during the late Victorian age. The bicycle provided a tool for women to ride into a whole new world. This presentation will explore how the bicycle helped women move into this new era and the societal resistance that came with it.
It includes research by Rebecca Beaisaert, on turn of the century bicycle clubs in Ingersoll and Tillsonburg.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 6:30pm: George Emery – Public Festivals In Ingersoll, 1855-1930
Please join the Oxford Historical Society in welcoming George Emery, Scott Gillies and Vicki Brenner for their presentation on George Emery’s newest publication: Public Festivals in Ingersoll, 1855-1930.
More information about this presentation will be provided closer to May 26, 2021.
From the book’s introduction by George Emery: “The book enriches the literature on Ingersoll’s local history. It describes Ingersoll’s street festivals in their late-19th-and early-20th-century times and furnishes guidelines for their interpretation. It supplements newspaper descriptions with photographic images, drawn from the rich archives of Ingersoll’s Cheese & Agricultural Museum and the Ingersoll Library. In the process the book showcases those archives as gateways for research on our community’s local history Gateways, indeed! The digital files on the Oxford County Library local-history website offer access to documentary sources –from the comfort of one’s home. Moreover, the Ingersoll Historical Photo Gallery, developed in collaboration with Scott Gillies of the Ingersoll Cheese & Agricultural Museum, provides a brilliant introduction to 30 some dimensions of Ingersoll’s past. The library’s rich digital files, in turn, lead directly to photographs and artifacts in Scott’s Cheese & Agricultural Museum–simply a gem of a place to visit. Through its several book publications, the Ingersoll & District Historical Society is an essential third agency for promoting knowledge of our local past.“
Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 6:30pm: Elaine Becker – So They Came: Young Men Farmers
Please join the Oxford Historical Society at our next Zoom meeting as Elaine Becker discusses the research and stories that went into So They Came: Young Men Farmers.
Excerpt from the book: “Destination Woodstock – The stories of young men who left home and family to make a new way of life in Canada is both thrilling and encouraging. They were not outstanding in any other way than that they had a hope for the future. They came from families facing untold challenges of unemployment, illness and death, as well as the lack of hope for the future”
Learn what role the Salvation Army played in bringing the immigrants to Canada, what was involved in researching Burnside Lodge, tracing family members, creating the list of immigrants and many other aspects of the book.

OxHS & Woodstock Museum, NHS Holiday Social December 9, 2021 from 1-4pm